It's time to reinvent yourself because everything has changed.

english español

El vicepresidente ha abierto el XXXI Congreso&Expo Faconauto con la ponencia ‘”Preparándose para el futuro: obtén todo lo que puedas de lo que tienes.” Brian Benstock, vicepresidente de Paragon Honda, ha sido el encargado de arrancar el XXXI Congreso&Expo Faconauto, que se celebra los días 2 y 3 de marzo en Madrid. Bajo el título “Preparándose para el futuro: obtén todo lo que puedas de lo que tienes” y patrocinado por Santander Consumer Finance, Benstock ha compartido su experiencia en el sector desde dentro, asegurando que los cambios están viniendo de actores de otros campos como es el caso de Tesla. En su opinión, “es el momento de reinventarse porque todo ha cambiado y nos estamos enfrentado los mejores competidores del planeta.” El vicepresidente de Paragon Honda ha señalado en su ponencia que en los concesionarios deben preguntarse cómo pueden llevar su producto al cliente. En esta línea, y según su experiencia, ha compartido que en su propio concesionario se dieron cuenta de que había una oportunidad en el segmento de las reparaciones. “No podemos renunciar a un importante segmento de negocio. Tenemos que competir con todos los actores del mercado.” “Los concesionarios podemos definir nuestro límites y expandir tanto nuestro negocio como queramos.” Como ejemplo de ello, Brian Benstock ha reconocido que durante la pandemia vendieron más de 750 coches cuando todo estaba cerrado y todo ello gracias al sistema de ‘Click&Collect’. Además, en un análisis del futuro del sector, Benstock ha pronosticado que en diez años no se reconocerá el negocio de los concesionarios.

The vice-president opened the XXXI Faconauto Congress & Expo with the presentation “Preparing for the future: get everything you can from what you have.” Brian Benstock, Vice President of Paragon Honda, has been in charge of kicking off the XXXI Faconauto Congress & Expo, which will be held on March 2 and 3 in Madrid. Under the title "Preparing for the future: get all you can from what you have" and sponsored by Santander Consumer Finance, Benstock has shared its experience in the sector from within, ensuring that changes are coming from actors in other fields such as Tesla's case. In his opinion, “it is time to reinvent ourselves because everything has changed and we are facing the best competitors on the planet.” The vice president of Paragon Honda has pointed out in his presentation that dealers must ask themselves how they can bring their product to the customer. In this line, and according to his experience, he has shared that in his own dealership they realized that there was an opportunity in the repair segment. “We cannot give up an important business segment. We have to compete with all the players in the market.” "Dealerships can define our limits and expand our business as much as we want." As an example of this, Brian Benstock has recognized that during the pandemic they sold more than 750 cars when everything was closed and all this thanks to the 'Click & Collect' system. In addition, in an analysis of the future of the sector, Benstock has predicted that in ten years the dealership business will not be recognized.


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